Wednesday, May 4, 2011

House Finches: Hawk Bait

We've been feeding grapes to the robins and house finches that frequent our deck bird feeder.

Yesterday there were literally ZILLIONS of birds in our yard besides house finches, robins and sparrows.  The grackles, brown-headed cow birds, yellow-headed black birds and female red-winged black birds seems to have all flown into town on the same day.  The male red-wings arrived here a while back. 

Rocky has been enjoying watching the birds...

He and Izzy crouch by the deck door for hours watching birds.  Usually they fall asleep by the door. 

It was about a month or so ago that we heard the first meadowlark back in town - and we got some good snow that same day.  I used to think that when the mountain blue birds were in town, soon it would be summer.  But, the blue birds came back a few months ago and it's been more like winter here than spring.  So, when I heard the meadowlark, I thought surely summer was around the corner.  We're still waiting.  Now I'm thinking that when we hear the peepers, then surely it will be summer.

The raptors have been coming back to town for a few weeks.  A few weeks ago, during a very wet rainy day, there was a drenched, immature hawk sitting on top of the bird feeder.  I guess he figured that would be where the birds would come so that he might get a quick, tasty morsel for breakfast; but I guess he hadn't learned to be more discreet yet on his approach.  Today there was a huge hawk hovering our deck.  I hope it doesn't swoop down to get the finches while they're eating grapes.  A lot of the birds seem to be staying away from the feeder today, and fewer robins have been coming to get the grapes.

I'll keep trying to get more bird photos so you can see just how many birds really come to the feeder.  Every time I move toward the door to take a picture, they fly away.  I will have to "neak up" on 'em.

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